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Videomapping 50th Anniversary of CIT

Video Mapping commemorating the 50th anniversary of CIT on the facade of its emblematic building of Tolosa. A project made with our partner Mr. Erskin.

In this project we assumed almost complete responsibility; the conceptualization, the script, the contents, filming, post-production, 3D modeling, animation, audio, sound, narration and technical production.

Conceptualization - Script - Videomapping - Modeling and 3D Animation - Video editing - Production - Sound - Technical production

Video: Mr. Erskin


Moment of the Inesfera video mapping on the Topic facade in the Plaza Euskadi de Tolosa. 3D animation of video mapping celebrated in Tolosa. Videomapping of Inesfera with Igor Arabaolaza when the Hodeiertz choir sang live with reactive images.